Monday, July 9, 2012

I never in a million years thought I'd be doing something like this.... Blogging? Honestly I didn't even know what it was or what it entailed before I met my fiance.  She recently started blogging and it got me thinking that I could do this.  Instead of writing about girl things I decided to do this to share with everybody what I love the most, (next to my fiance of course), the great outdoors.  I wont blog about my everyday life and work things because lets be honest my work is crazy and I need a break.

I've been hunting and fishing for as long as I can remember.  My best friend Jay has talked about writing a book about all of our outdoor adventures for a long time now.  That is another reason why I decided to do this was to share a lot of our stories.  Unfortunately a lot of the stories involve me doing something stupid or incredibly embarrassing, (which I will share in due time), but this first blog is to just give a back ground of whats to come.

So with all that said I'm going to blog about my fishing and hunting trips.  I'll post videos of my hunts, (I love to video my own hunts), and post all kinds of photos.  I'll even eventually tell you about the infamous October 1, 2009 opening day of bow season story.  I'll give you a hint.  It involves hunting, taco bell, and poor ole me in a tree stand.

I should also tell everybody what my family calls me when it comes to hunting.  They call me the Supreme Commander.  The reason for this is because in a one week time frame I successfully missed 4 bucks with my bow.  Three in a two day period.  So my uncles and my dad decided to commemorate the event by making me a plaque and a pink arrow to embarrass me.  So now that every time someone in the family misses a deer they get the pink arrow.  Lets just say that if I would have killed one of those bucks my dad, brother, and me would have all had one hanging on the wall that season but leave it to me to screw it up.

My dad and brother got these and instead I got.....

The pink arrow and the Supreme Commander plaque.

Luckily I have time to tell you about my bird hunting experiences because hunting season isn't for a while but that will have to be in another blog.  I think I'll just start off with the basics in this first blog because honestly I cant believe i'm still doing this.  Some people have clever ways to end their blogs but I cant think of any so......Bye.

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